Hamilton NJ Drug Paraphernalia Lawyer
Charged with Possessing Drug Paraphernalia in Hamilton Township? Contact Our Hamilton Office To Speak To A Knowledgeable Defense Attorney Now.
A drug paraphernalia offense in Hamilton New Jersey is significantly more complicated than you are probably anticipating. You face a criminal record and even months in the county jail if convicted of a disorderly persons offense for this charge. The attorneys employed by the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have extensive experience defending cds possession charges in Hamilton Township, as well as those relating to drug paraphernalia. In fact, our team of lawyers has over 100 combined years in practice, including time serving as prosecutors. You can contact our Hamilton Office at 609–683–8102 for a free consultation with an attorney immediately. A lawyer is ready to assist you now.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Hamilton New Jersey
The offense know as drug paraphernalia possession is set forth at N.J.S.A. 2:C:36-2. This law makes it illegal to to use or possess drug paraphernalia. Violation of this law results in a disorderly persons offense in Hamilton Municipal Court. This is often a companion to a drug charge, including possession of marijuana. In order to convict you of use or intent to use drug paraphernalia, the state must prove that you had knowledge or intent to control of an object that is drug paraphernalia. If an intention to possess or use the item is lacking, you are innocent of this violation.
Items That Are Considered Drug Paraphernalia. The term “drug paraphernalia” generally means any item used to manufacture, ingest, inhale, package, conceal, store, mix, weigh or prepare controlled dangerous substances (“CDS”). Examples of items specifically identified in N.J.S.A. 2C:36-1 include pipes, roach clips, syringes, needles and bongs. Other common forms of drug paraphernalia include grinders, one hitters or “bats”, vaporizers and digital scales.
Penalties for Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. A disorderly persons offense for drug paraphernalia in Hamilton Municipal Court carries penalties that include a fine of up to $1,000 and up to 6 months in jail. There is also a suspension of driving privileges that is triggered of 6-24 months.
Conditional Discharge. An individual who has no prior drug convictions and who has never taken advantage of a conditional dismissal, conditional discharge or Pretrial Intervention previously, may apply to have his/her paraphernalia offense diverted. Guidelines for admission into this program are strict but allow an individual to avoid a criminal conviction upon successful completion.
Hamilton Township NJ Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Defense Attorney
A drug paraphernalia charge can often seem minor to a defendant only to discover how significant the ramifications can be when it is too law. You should not make this common mistake and contact us immediately to speak to a defense attorney. Lawyers on the staff of the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall will undertake a comprehensive review of the motor vehicle stop, field investigation, warrant or any other circumstances that led to your arrest. A lawyer will advise you of your defenses and what we think we can accomplish on your behalf. Call us now at 609–683–8102 for help.